I am an artist and musician on the network since September 2016. Currently I have more than 140,000 followers in 60 countries on my Facebook page (this one is currently dormant and hidden) and more than 14,000 followers on LinkedIn, including business people, professionals and students from all over the world. I am sending my work from my network to the world.
I have never written about this before, but I think it is important to be able to do so in an appealing way. 14,000+ contacts are professionals of some kind, mostly classical musicians from the US and Europe. Some of them are musicians and members of the Vienna Philharmonic and the Berlin Philharmonic. I also have connections with the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and other prominent museums around the world. I have also connected with brand companies such as Chanel and Tiffany, IT companies such as Apple, international organizations such as the UN and WHO, people from foundations such as Rockefeller, executives from many famous companies, and students from prestigious universities around the world. I am still learning English, so I use DeepL for communication.
At Tokyo Innovation Base
Hello, My name is Yuki Yamamoto.
I am an artist and musician in the network since 2016.
I create original improvised music with keyboard, original music with PC, artwork with processed photos, paintings, Shooting movies.
I think it is important to practice techniques to create good works and music.
However, I think it is even more important to continue doing good deeds in daily life.
It is not something special, but something to strive to live a life of integrity, such as cleaning and keeping the places around you clean, and not speaking ill of others.
If we continue to do so, we will gradually develop a sense of consideration for others.And then you will probably come up with ideas for artwork or music that you think will be appreciated.I believe that good innovation is born out of this kind of feeling.
Today, we need to be concerned about climate change and other issues.For example, if you make a lot of money but you become seriously ill, you will not be able to live a happy life.
I am a Buddhist, and as I practice the teachings, I have gradually changed to this kind of feeling. I would say that good prayer and continued meditation are the foundation for good deeds and works of art. I believe that if I can change my mind to a good one, the content of my works and music will also change to something inspiring and positive.I would like to continue to work together with you all.
Thank you very much.
2016年9月よりネットワーク上でアーティスト、ミュージシャンとして活動しています。現在フォロワーはFacebook pageで60ケ国で14万人以上(こちらは現在休止中で非表示にしています)LinkedIn内で世界中の企業関係者や専門職、学生など14000人以上です。ネットワークにより作品を世界に発信しています。
2024.10.19 Tokyo innovation Baseにて。